Feature: Working with RHEV-M instances Scenario: Get list of all instances Given I enter instances collection And I am authorized with my credentials When I request HTML response Then result should be valid HTML When I request XML response Then result should be valid XML And result should contain 5 instances And name of these instances should be | apitest1 | | bababab | | test1 | | test5 | | TestPool-1 | And each instance should have properties set to | owner_id | admin@rhevm.brq.redhat.com | Scenario: Get details about bababab instance Given I enter instances collection And I am authorized with my credentials And I choose instance with id 5b2555c9-73f1-46dc-b379-a1f6dd382c86 When I request HTML response Then result should be valid HTML When I request XML response Then result should be valid XML And result should contain one instance And attribute id should be set to 5b2555c9-73f1-46dc-b379-a1f6dd382c86 And instance should have launch_time set to valid time And instance should be in RUNNING state And instance should have defined actions | reboot | | stop | And instance should have set of public_addresses | | And instance should have linked valid | realm | | image | | hardware_profile | Scenario: Stop bababab instance Given I enter instances collection And I am authorized with my credentials And I choose instance with id 5b2555c9-73f1-46dc-b379-a1f6dd382c86 When I request XML response Then result should be valid XML And result should contain one instance And attribute id should be set to 5b2555c9-73f1-46dc-b379-a1f6dd382c86 Then I want to stop this instance And I follow stop link in actions And this instance should be in STOPPED state Scenario: Start test1 instance Given I enter instances collection And I am authorized with my credentials And I choose instance with id 5b602d1a-4db0-4ab0-8842-5f3dfb551ba6 When I request XML response Then result should be valid XML And result should contain one instance And attribute id should be set to 5b602d1a-4db0-4ab0-8842-5f3dfb551ba6 Then I want to start this instance And I follow start link in actions And this instance should be in RUNNING state