--- # The network bridge used for VMs. :default_bridge: br0 :username: condor :password: deltacloud # The location of your images. These would be regular KVM formatted images. # Note that this variable also exists in the condor cloud configuration in # /usr/libexec/condor/cloud_functions. This directory must also be shared # accross all nodes so that they all have access to the images. # # *** If you change this check /usr/libexec/condor/cloud_functions *** :image_storage: /var/lib/condor-cloud/shared_images # There are currently 2 ways to configure the IP addresses of instances, # one is to use the ip server agent in each image, the other is a simple # mapping between MAC and IP. The latter is the default. # # For the simple mac/ip mapping, see config/addresses.xml for the mapping list. # You must then configure your DHCPD server to hand out those addresses # for the given macs. :default_ip_agent: DefaultIPAgent #:default_ip_agent: ConfServerIPAgent #:ip_agent_address: '' #:ip_agent_version: '0.0.1' :vnc_listen_port: '5900' :vnc_listen_ip: ''