V I L L A G E ============= What is it? ----------- Village is a 100% Pure Java API that sits on top of the JDBC API. The purpose of this API is to make it easier to interact with a JDBC compliant relational database. By using Village, it is possible to execute and manage select/insert/update/delete SQL statements without having to actually write a single line of SQL. Village can use any valid JDBC Connection object, so it is possible to use Village with a JDBC Connection pool. This software is being freely released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Please see common/LICENSE.txt in the distribution for more information. Why the name Village? --------------------- A Village is an interface to the database. The huts are the tables and the people are the rows. History ------- Village is inspired by the dbKona API documents available on BEA/Weblogic's website . The BEA WebXpress product is an excellent piece of software and it is highly recommended that you purchase it. How to use it ------------- Documentation included with Village is extremely thin at this point. Although, there is comprehensive documentation of dbKona on the BEA/Weblogic website. All of the methods in Village are lightly documented in the javadoc format. There is also some example code in the javadoc for TableDataSet and QueryDataSet. Please also refer to the com.workingdogs.village.Test*.java class for some other examples of code. Frequently Asked Questions Why is the package name com.workingdogs.village instead of com.working-dogs.village? ----------------------------------------------- Because for some reason, Sun decided that package naming conventions should conform to domain names for which the package originated. But, they did not consider the fact that domain names can contain a "-" in it and made that an illegal character in package names. Arrrggg... Could you tell me the difference between Village and SQLJ? Why should/would I choose your API over an ANSI standard? From what I have read at http://www.oracle.com/java/sqlj/index.html I dont see why you are creating your own standard. ----------------------------------------------- SQLJ might be an ANSI standard, but who said that screwing up Java standards is right? SQLJ requires a pre-compiler to convert your .sqlj files into .java files. Hello? javac doesn't have a pre-compiler for a reason! How can you reliably do rapid java development if you have to first run your pre-source code through something that munges it into something else? Also, I'm not creating my own standard, Village is inspired by the dbKona API that WebLogic/BEA developed for use with their WebXpress product. WebLogic/BEA's product is the number one java application server in use today. I think that point alone justifies the creation of this API. Lastly, this API is easy to use and easy to learn. It will save you hours worth of typing as well as help prevent you from making countless mistakes. The PreparedStatement handling alone makes using this API worth it.