A B O U T --------- This file describes the current implementation status of the project. If you implement a method, please be sure to also update this file with the latest information. At the present time, approximately 90% or more of this project has been completed. Contributions in the form of diff output are welcome. Please note that all contributed code must be in the form of 100% Pure Java and fully clean room implemented. JSFormatter has been used to format the source code into a standard format. Here is the arguments that were used: java jstyle.JSFormatter -b K E Y ----- An x marks a method that has been implemented. An o marks a method that has not been implemented. On the right hand side are comments about the method. N O T E S --------- Serialization of any type has not been implemented. The entire SelectStmt class has not been implemented, as a result, any methods or constructors that depended on that class have also not been implemented. The TableDataSet.saveWithoutStatusUpdate() functionality has not been implemented yet. The TableDataSet.setOptimisticLockingCol() functionality has not been implemented yet. C L A S S E S ------------- Column() x autoIncrement() o dbKonaMethod() // unknown use x dbtype() o destroy() // private used for serialization o initialize() // private used for serialization x isBigDecimal() x isBinary() x isBoolean() x isByte() x isBytes() x isDate() x isDouble() x isFloat() x isInt() x isLong() x isLongVarBinary() x isShort() x isString() x isTime() x isTimestamp() x isVarBinary() o javaType() // unknown use x length() x name() x nullAllowed() x precision() o preparedStatemntBindMethod() // unknown use x readOnly() o resultSetMethod() // unknown use x scale() x searchable() x type() x typeEnum() DataSet() x addRecord() x addRecord(DataSet) // additional method x allRecordsRetrieved() x clearRecords() x close() x connection() x containsRecord(int) o destroy() // private used for serialization x fetchRecords() x fetchRecords(int) x fetchRecords(int, int) x getRecord(int) x getResultSet() x getSelectString() o initialize() // private used for serialization x lastFetchSize() o maxColumnWidths(boolean) // unknown use o readObject() // private used for serialization x releaseRecords() x removeRecord(Record) x reset() x resultSet() x schema() x size() x toString() // implemented by Serge Knystautas http://www.lokitech.com x Enums() x AFTERDELETE x AFTERINSERT x AFTERUPDATE x BEFOREDELETE x BEFOREINSERT x BEFOREUPDATE x DELETE x INSERT x ORACLE x SQLSERVER x SYBASE x UNKNOWN x UPDATE x ZOMBIE x KeyDef() x addAttrib(String) x containsAttrib(String) x getAttrib(int) x size() x QueryDataSet() o QueryDataSet(Connection, SelectStmt) // not yet implemented NO SelectStmt yet x QueryDataSet(Connection, String) x QueryDataSet(ResultSet) x getSelectString() x resultSet() x Record() x Record(DataSet) o asFormattedString(String, int[]) // not yet implemented x dataset() x getRefreshQueryString() x getSaveString() x getValue(int) x getValue(String) x isAZombie() x markForInsert() x markForUpdate() x markRecordClean() // guessed on implementation x markToBeDeleted() x markValueClean(int) x markValueClean(String) x markValueDirty(int) x markValueDirty(String) x needsToBeSaved() x recordIsClean() x refresh(Connection) x save() x save(Connection) o saveWithoutStatusUpdate(Connection) // not yet implemented x schema() x setValue(int, BigDecimal) x setValue(int, boolean) x setValue(int, byte[]) x setValue(int, Date) x setValue(int, Date) x setValue(int, double) x setValue(int, float) x setValue(int, int) x setValue(int, long) x setValue(int, String) x setValue(int, Time) x setValue(int, Timestamp) x setValue(int, Value) x setValue(String, BigDecimal) x setValue(String, boolean) x setValue(String, byte[]) x setValue(String, Date) x setValue(String, Date) x setValue(String, double) x setValue(String, float) x setValue(String, int) x setValue(String, long) x setValue(String, String) x setValue(String, Time) x setValue(String, Timestamp) x setValue(String, Value) x setValueNull(int) x setValueNull(String) x size() x toBeSavedWithDelete() x toBeSavedWithInsert() x toBeSavedWithUpdate() x toString() // implemented by Serge Knystautas http://www.lokitech.com x unmarkToBeDeleted() x updateStatus() // not yet implemented x valueIsClean(int) Schema() x attributes() x column(int) x column(String) o destroy() // private used for serialization x index(String) o initialize() // private used for serialization x numberOfColumns() x schema(Connection, String) x schema(Connection, String, String) x tableName() x toString() // implemented by Serge Knystautas http://www.lokitech.com // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED SelectStmt(int) addQbe(String, float) addQbe(String, int) addQbe(String, String) addUnquotedQbe(String, String) clearQbe() clearQbe(String) field(String) field(String, String) from(String) getQbeWhere() group(String) having(String) order(String) setQbe(String, float) setQbe(String, float[]) setQbe(String, int) setQbe(String, int[]) setQbe(String, String) setQbe(String, String[]) setUnquotedQbe(String, String) setUnquotedQbe(String, String[]) toString() unique() where(String) x TableDataSet() x TableDataSet(Connection, Schema, KeyDef) x TableDataSet(Connection, String) x TableDataSet(Connection, String, KeyDef) x TableDataSet(Connection, String, String) x TableDataSet(Connection, String, String, KeyDef) x attributes() // implemented in DataSet() o debugInfo() // Unknown x fetchRecords(int, int) x getSelectString() x keydef() x optimisticLockingCol() // not used x order(String) x other(String) x refresh(Connection) x refreshOnSave() x removeDeletedRecords() x resultSet() x save() x save(boolean) // doesn't currently do anything with the boolean x save(Connection, boolean) // doesn't currently do anything with the boolean o saveWithoutStatusUpdate(Connection) // not yet implemented x schema() o selectStmt() // not yet implemented x setOptimisticLockingColumn(String) // not used o setRefreshOnSave(boolean) // not yet implemented x tableName() x tableQualifier(String) // implemented correctly? o updateStatus() // not yet implemented x where(String) x Value(ResultSet, int, int) x asBigDecimal() x asBigDecimal(int) x asBoolean() x asByte() x asBytes() x asDate() x asDouble() x asFloat() x asInt() x asLong() x asShort() x asString() x asTime() x asTimestamp() x asUtilDate() x isBigDecimal() x isBytes() x isDate() x isDouble() x isFloat() x isInt() x isLong() x isNull() x isString() x isTime() x isTimestamp() x isUtilDate() x toString() x type()