# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # P L U G I N P R O P E R T I E S # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Torque plugin properties # # $Id$ # # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - If you need to change the values found # in this file, override them in your project.properties or # build.properties file. # # This file contains the default properties for the maven plugin. # Whenever you use any torque target in maven, these properties # will be used as default. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # B A S I C P R O P E R T I E S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- project = torque # database = postgresql targetPackage = torque.generated torque.project = ${project} torque.database = ${database} torque.targetPackage = ${targetPackage} torque.runOnlyOnSchemaChange = true # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # D I R E C T O R I E S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- outputDirectory = ${maven.build.dir} schemaDirectory = ${maven.src.dir}/schema templatePath = ${maven.src.dir}/torqueTemplates torque.output.dir = ${outputDirectory} torque.schema.dir = ${schemaDirectory} torque.templatePath = ${templatePath} torque.doc.dir = ${torque.output.dir}/doc/schema torque.java.dir = ${maven.src.dir}/java torque.java.base.dir = ${torque.java.dir} torque.ojb.dir = ${maven.src.dir}/ojb torque.sql.dir = ${torque.output.dir}/sql torque.omzip.dir = ${torque.output.dir} # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # D A T A B A S E S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # createDatabaseUrl = jdbc:postgresql:// # buildDatabaseUrl = jdbc:postgresql:// # databaseUrl = jdbc:postgresql:// # databaseDriver = org.postgresql.Driver # databaseUser = jvanzyl # databasePassword = # databaseHost = # databaseSchema = # databaseName = database.manual.creation = false sameJavaName = false # torque.database.createUrl = ${createDatabaseUrl} # torque.database.buildUrl = ${buildDatabaseUrl} # torque.database.url = ${databaseUrl} # torque.database.driver = ${databaseDriver} # torque.database.user = ${databaseUser} # torque.database.password = ${databasePassword} # torque.database.host = ${databaseHost} # torque.database.schema = ${databaseSchema} # torque.database.name = ${databaseName} torque.database.manualCreation = ${database.manual.creation} torque.saveJavaName = ${sameJavaName} # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # T E M P L A T E V A R I A B L E S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- addGetByNameMethod = true addIntakeRetrievable = false addSaveMethod = true addTimeStamp = true basePrefix = Base complexObjectModel = true useManagers = false useClasspath = true objectIsCaching = true generateBeans = false beanSuffix = Bean torque.addGetByNameMethod = ${addGetByNameMethod} torque.addIntakeRetrievable = ${addIntakeRetrievable} torque.retrievableInterface = org.apache.turbine.om.Retrievable torque.addSaveMethod = ${addSaveMethod} torque.addTimeStamp = ${addTimeStamp} torque.basePrefix = ${basePrefix} torque.complexObjectModel = ${complexObjectModel} torque.saveException = Exception torque.useClasspath = ${useClasspath} torque.useManagers = ${useManagers} torque.objectIsCaching = true torque.silentDbFetch = true torque.correctGetters = false torque.generateBeans = ${generateBeans} torque.beanSuffix = ${beanSuffix} torque.enableJava5Features = false torque.subpackage.base.bean = bean torque.subpackage.bean = bean torque.subpackage.map = map torque.omzip.src.base = false torque.omzip.src.extension = false torque.omzip.bin.base = false torque.omzip.bin.extension = false torque.omzip.deleteFiles = false torque.generateDeprecated = true # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # M I S C . S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- idTableXMLFile = documentationFormat = html initialID = 101 torque.initialIDValue = 1000 torque.initialIDStep = 10 torque.idTableXMLFile = ${idTableXMLFile} torque.doc.format = ${documentationFormat} torque.doc.html.normalFont = font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; torque.doc.html.fkColor = afe295 torque.initialID = ${initialID} # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # C O N T R O L T E M P L A T E S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- SQLControlTemplate = sql/base/Control.vm OMControlTemplate = om/Control.vm OMControlBaseTemplate = om/ControlBase.vm idTableControlTemplate = sql/id-table/Control.vm DataDTDControlTemplate = data/Control.vm DataDumpControlTemplate = data/dump/Control.vm DataSQLControlTemplate = sql/load/Control.vm DocControlTemplate = doc/Control.vm torque.template.sql = ${SQLControlTemplate} torque.template.om = ${OMControlTemplate} torque.template.om.base = ${OMControlBaseTemplate} torque.template.idTable = ${idTableControlTemplate} torque.template.dataDtd = ${DataDTDControlTemplate} torque.template.dataDump = ${DataDumpControlTemplate} torque.template.dataSql = ${DataSQLControlTemplate} torque.template.doc = ${DocControlTemplate} torque.template.sqlDbInit = sql/db-init/Control.vm torque.template.ojb = ojb/repository/Control.vm torque.template.ojbModel = ojb/model/Control.vm # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # C O M P I L E S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- src.dir = ${torque.java.dir} build.dest = bin/classes debug = on deprecation = off optimize = off torque.compile.src.dir = ${src.dir} torque.compile.build.dir = ${build.dest} torque.compile.debug = ${debug} torque.compile.deprecation = ${deprecation} torque.compile.optimize = ${optimize} # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # I N C L U D E A N D E X C L U D E S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- torque.schema.sql.includes = *-schema.xml torque.schema.sql.excludes = torque.schema.doc.includes = *-schema.xml torque.schema.doc.excludes = torque.schema.createdb.includes = *-schema.xml torque.schema.createdb.excludes = torque.schema.initsql.includes = *-schema.xml torque.schema.initsql.excludes = id-table-schema.xml torque.schema.om.includes = *-schema.xml torque.schema.om.excludes = id-table-schema.xml torque.schema.ojb.includes = *-schema.xml torque.schema.ojb.excludes =