# # location of jar that you will be using for testing # so that it can be copied into the /lib directory. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # O J B S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- dbmsName = Informix jdbcLevel = 1.0 urlProtocol = jdbc urlSubprotocol = informix-sqli urlDbalias = //:/:INFORMIXSERVER=;user=informix;password=informix # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # D D L U T I L S S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #ddlutils.shutdownDatabase = false # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # T O R Q U E S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- torque.database = informix torque.database.createUrl = ${urlProtocol}:${urlSubprotocol}:${urlDbalias} torque.database.buildUrl = ${urlProtocol}:${urlSubprotocol}:${urlDbalias} torque.database.url = ${urlProtocol}:${urlSubprotocol}:${urlDbalias} torque.database.driver = com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver torque.database.host = torque.database.user = informix torque.database.password = informix