# # @version $Id$ # ### ANT properties start here ### # # With the 'profile' property you can choose the RDBMS platform OJB is using # implemented profiles: # profile=hsqldb # use the mssqldb-JSQLConnect profile for Microsoft SQL Server and # you will automatically JSQLConnect driver, from http://www.j-netdirect.com/ # MBAIRD: This is my driver of preference for MS SQL Server, I find the OEM'd # MS driver to have some problems. #profile=mssqldb-JSQLConnect #profile=mssqldb-Opta2000 #profile=mssqldb-ms #profile=mysql #profile=db2 #profile=oracle #profile=oracle9i #profile=msaccess #profile=postgresql #profile=informix #profile=sybase #profile=sapdb #profile=maxdb #profile=derby #profile=mckoi #profile=firebird ### # # The useP6Spy switch determines if the tracing JDBC driver P6Spy is used. # If you enable this switch, you must also edit the file # jakarta-ojb/src/test/org/apache/ojb/spy.properties # to tell P6Spy which JDBC driver to use and where to write the log. # By default the HSQLDB driver is used. #useP6Spy=true ### # If 'true', junit tests marked as known issue in the junit-test # source code (see OJBTestCase class for more detailed info) will be # skipped. Default value is 'true'. For development 'false' is recommended, # because this will show unsolved problems. OJB.skip.issues=true # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # You should NOT have to edit anything below here. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # With the 'jcdAlias' property you define a keyword for the used # connection. All test cases use this keyword. jcdAlias=default ### # # non-redistributable jars # Certain jar files required for a full OJB build may not be shipped # as part of the OJB distribution. # j2ee.jars=geronimo-spec-j2ee-1.4-rc2.jar jdo.jars=jdo.jar:jdori.jar # These properties tell ant what the project's directory structure is. source=src src.dir=src src.java=${src.dir}/java src.test=${src.dir}/test src.tools=${src.dir}/tools src.samples=${src.dir}/samples #src.jca=${src.dir}/jca src.doc=${src.dir}/doc src.forrest=${src.doc}/forrest src.javadoc=${src.doc}/javadoc src.ojb-blank=${src.dir}/ojb-blank src.check=${src.dir}/etc/checkstyle config.dir=${src.dir}/config ojb=${source}/ojb etc=${source}/etc test=${build.dir}/test dist=dist lib=lib bin=bin doc=doc # These properties are used by the maven build build.dir = ${basedir}/target build.src = ${build.dir}/src/main build.srctest = ${build.dir}/src/test build.srctools = ${build.dir}/src/tools build.srcsamples = ${build.dir}/src/samples build.srcjca = ${build.dir}/src/jca build.dest = ${build.dir}/classes/main build.desttest = ${build.dir}/classes/test build.desttools = ${build.dir}/classes/tools build.destsamples = ${build.dir}/classes/samples #build.destjca = ${build.dir}/classes/jca build.test = ${build.dir}/test build.doc=${build.dir}/doc build.mavendist = ${build.dir}/mavendist build.javadoc=${build.dir}/javadoc build.check= ${build.dir}/checkstyle junit.dir = ${build.dir}/test/ojb junit.fork=true # These properties are used by torque to create the test db torque.buildFile = build-torque.xml torque.schema.dir = ${build.test} torque.output.dir = ${build.test}/sql torque.sql.dir = ${torque.output.dir} torque.useClasspath = true torque.project = ojbtest # Default compilation properties. # build.compiler=modern deprecation=true # ojb-blank and tutorial properties ojb-blank.resource.excludes=repository_user.xml,web.xml ojb-blank.lib.includes=asm*.jar,cglib*.jar,concurrent*.jar,antlr*.jar,commons*.jar\ ,hsqldb*.jar,log4j*.jar,torque*.jar,velocity*.jar,xdoclet*.jar,xjavadoc*.jar # # Documentation properties # forrest.javadoc.destdir=${build.doc}/src/documentation/content/api forrest.staticfiles.srcdir=${src.test}/org/apache/ojb forrest.staticfiles.destdir=${build.doc}/src/documentation/content/xdocs forrest.output.dir=${build.doc}/build/site javadoc.stylesheet=${src.javadoc}/javadoc.css # api package names for javadoc generation apipackagenames=org.apache.ojb.broker,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.core.*,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.cache,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.lob,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.locking,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.util,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.util.logging,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.util.collections,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.query,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.platforms,\ org.apache.ojb.broker.transaction.*,\ org.odmg,\ org.apache.ojb.odmg,\ org.apache.ojb.odmg.oql,\ org.odbms,\ org.apache.ojb.junit,\ org.apache.ojb.performance copyright=(C) 2002 - 2007 Apache Software Foundation \
All rights reserved. Published under the Apache License 2.0. \
http://db.apache.org/ojb icon=ObJectRelationalBridge br=
# project name and version info name=ObJectRelationalBridge project-name=db-ojb major=2 minor=0 build=0 version=${major}.${minor}.${build} versiondate=2008-XX-XX ojb-filename-prefix=${project-name}-${version} #checkstyle.version.pattern=\\$Revision.*\\$ #checkstyle.author.pattern=\\S checkstyle.license.file=${src.check}/license-check.txt # ### ANT properties end here ### Preprocessor flags start here # # These flags are no longer needed for normal operation, as build.xml # now detects the VM version automatically! # but if you want to provide a jdk1.2 compliant build with a jdk 1.3 # you might still want to use these switches: # # set this flag to -JDK13 to turn on JDK1.2 compatibility #JDK=+JDK13 # set this flag to +JDBC30 to turn on JDK1.4 compatibilty #JDBC=-JDBC30 # # currently maven cannot detect the JDK automatically, # so we need the following hints: ojbOnSwitches=JDK13 JDBC30 ojbOffSwitches= # ### Preprocessor flags end here