# # location of jar that you will be using for testing # so that it can be copied into the dist/lib directory. torque.testDatabaseJar = ${lib.repo}/postgres.jar torque.idMethod = idbroker torque.defaultDatabase = ojbtest # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # T O R Q U E C O N F I G U R A T I O N F I L E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # T A R G E T D A T A B A S E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- torque.database = postgresql # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # D A T A B A S E S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # JDBC connection settings. This is used by the JDBCToXML task that # will create an XML database schema from JDBC metadata. These # settings are also used by the SQL Ant task to initialize your # Turbine system with the generated SQL. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- dbmsName = PostgreSQL jdbcLevel = 3.0 urlProtocol = jdbc urlSubprotocol = postgresql urlDbalias = ${torque.project} databaseDriver = org.postgresql.Driver databaseUser = ojb databasePassword = ojb databaseHost = localhost databaseUrl = ${urlProtocol}:${urlSubprotocol}://${databaseHost}/${urlDbalias} # For PostgreSQL we have to specify a specific database when we want to # create a new database via JDBC createDatabaseUrl = ${urlProtocol}:${urlSubprotocol}://${databaseHost}/template1 buildDatabaseUrl = ${databaseUrl} # Validation query, used to detect timed out connections. # Connection are checked when borrowed from pool. validationQuery=SELECT 1 testOnBorrow=true # Tells JDBC task that javaName attribute for the tables and columns # should be made same as SQL name. sameJavaName=false # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # D O C U M E N T A T I O N S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # These settings will allow you to customize the way your schema # documentation is created. # Valid formats are: html, anakia (for use with jakarta-site2) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- documentationFormat=html # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # You should NOT have to edit anything below here. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # T E M P L A T E P A T H # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- templatePath = ../templates # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # C O N T R O L T E M P L A T E S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- SQLControlTemplate = sql/base/Control.vm OMControlTemplate = om/Control.vm idTableControlTemplate = sql/id-table/Control.vm DataDTDControlTemplate = data/Control.vm DataDumpControlTemplate = data/dump/Control.vm DataSQLControlTemplate = sql/load/Control.vm DocControlTemplate = doc/Control.vm # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # O U T P U T D I R E C T O R Y # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- outputDirectory=src # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # S C H E M A D I R E C T O R Y # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- schemaDirectory=schema