WHERE CURRENT OF clause The WHERE CURRENT OF clause is a clause in some UPDATE and DELETE statements. It allows you to perform positioned updates and deletes on updatable cursors. WHERE CURRENT OF clause

Updatable and/or scrollable JDBC ResultSets can provide a simpler and easier way to perform these tasks.

See UPDATE statement and DELETE statement for more information on those statements. For more information about updatable cursors, see SELECT statement. For information on scrollable and updatable ResultSets, see the Java SE API documentation on the java.sql.ResultSet interface as well as the information on the implementation at .

Syntax WHERE CURRENT OF cursorName Example conn.setAutoCommit(false); Statement s = conn.createStatement(); s.setCursorName("AIRLINESRESULTS"); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery( "SELECT Airline, basic_rate " + "FROM Airlines FOR UPDATE OF basic_rate"); rs.next(); Statement s2 = conn.createStatement(); s2.executeUpdate("UPDATE Airlines SET basic_rate = basic_rate " + "+ .25 WHERE CURRENT OF AirlinesResults");