derby.authentication.builtin.iterations The derby.authentication.builtin.iterations property specifies the number of times to apply the hash function (which is specified by the derby.authentication.builtin.algorithm property) on the credentials. derby.authentication.builtin.iterations property password hashingconfiguring

Iteration slows down attackers by forcing them to spend more time calculating hashes. See for more information.

This property is in effect only if NATIVE authentication is specified by the derby.authentication.provider property and if the derby.authentication.builtin.algorithm property has a non-null value.

Syntax derby.authentication.builtin.iteration=number_of_iterations

The minimum value is 1.



Example -- system-wide property derby.authentication.builtin.iterations=2000 -- database-level property CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY( 'derby.authentication.builtin.iterations', '2000');
Dynamic or static

Dynamic; the change takes effect immediately. For information about dynamic changes to properties, see .