derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthDN Along with derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthPW, the derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthDN property indicates how should bind with the LDAP directory server to do searches for user DN (distinguished name). derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthDN property LDAPconfiguring

This property specifies the DN; specifies the password to use for the search.

If these two properties are not specified, an anonymous search is performed if it is supported.

For more information about LDAP user authentication, see "Configuring LDAP authentication" in the .

Syntax derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthDn=DN

If not specified, an anonymous search is performed if it is supported.

Example -- system-wide property derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthDn= cn=guest, -- database-wide property CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY( 'derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthDn', 'cn=guest,')
Dynamic or static

Static. For system-wide properties, you must reboot for the change to take effect. For database-wide properties, you must reboot the database for the change to take effect.