derby.user.UserName The derby.user.UserName property caches user DNs locally when derby.authentication.provider is set to LDAP and derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter is set to derby.user. derby.user property Userscreating

See derby.authentication.provider and derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter for more information.

When you provide a user DN with this property, is able to avoid an LDAP search for that user's DN before authenticating. For those users without DNs defined with this property, performs a search using the default value of derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter.

User names are SQLIdentifiers and can be delimited.

Syntax derby.user.UserName=userDN -- database-level property CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY( 'derby.user.UserName', 'userDN')


Example -- system-level property derby.user.Diana=uid=Diana,ou=People, -- database-level property CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY( 'derby.user.richard', 'uid=richard, ou=People,')
Dynamic or static

Dynamic; the change takes effect immediately. For information about dynamic changes to properties, see .