JDBC escape syntax for limit/offset clauses The LIMIT escape clause can occur in a query at the point where an OFFSET/FETCH FIRST clause can appear. LIMIT (JDBC escape keyword) OFFSET (JDBC escape keyword)

See for more information.

Syntax { LIMIT rowCount [ OFFSET startRow ] }

The rowCount is a non-negative integer that specifies the number of rows to return. If rowCount is 0, all rows from startRow forward are returned.

The startRow is a non-negative number that specifies the number of rows to skip before returning results.

Equivalent to OFFSET startRow FETCH NEXT rowCount ROWS ONLY
Examples -- return the first two rows of sorted table t SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY a { LIMIT 2 } -- return two rows of sorted table t, starting with the eleventh row SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY a { LIMIT 2 OFFSET 10 }