XMLPARSE operator XMLPARSE is a SQL/XML operator that you use to parse a character string expression into a XML value. XMLPARSE operatoroperatorsXMLPARSE XMLoperators, XMLPARSE

You can use the result of this operator temporarily or you can store the result permanently in XML columns. Whether temporary or permanent, you can use the XML value as an input to the other XML operators, such as XMLEXISTS and XMLQUERY.

See "XML data types and operators" in the for more information.

Required keyword that describes the type of XML input that can parse. can only parse string expressions that constitute well-formed XML documents, because uses a parser from the javax.xml.parsers package to parse all string values. The parser expects the stringValueExpression to constitute a well-formed XML document. If the string does not constitute a well-formed document, the parser throws an error. catches the error and throws the error as an SQLException.
Any expression that evaluates to a SQL character type, such as CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR, or CLOB. The stringValueExpression argument can also be a parameter. You must use the CAST function when you specify the parameter to indicate the type of value that is bound into the parameter. must verify that the parameter is the correct data type before the value is parsed as an XML document. If a parameter is specified without the CAST function, or if the CAST is to a non-character datatype, throws an error.
Required keywords that describe how handles whitespace between consecutive XML nodes. When the PRESERVE WHITESPACE keywords are used, preserves whitespace as dictated by the SQL/XML rules for preserving whitespace.

For more information on what constitutes a well-formed XML document, see the following specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-well-formed.

The SQL/XML standard dictates that the argument to the XMLPARSE operator can also be a binary string. However, only supports character string input for the XMLPARSE operator.


To insert a simple XML document into the xcol XML column in the x_table table, use the following statement: INSERT INTO x_table VALUES (1, XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT ' <roster> <student age="18">AB</student> <student age="23">BC</student> <student>NOAGE</student> </roster>' PRESERVE WHITESPACE) )

To insert a large XML document into the xcol XML column in the x_table table, from JDBC use the following statement: INSERT INTO x_table VALUES(2, XMLPARSE (DOCUMENT CAST (? AS CLOB) PRESERVE WHITESPACE) ) You should bind into the statement using the setCharacterStream() method, or any other JDBC setXXX method that works for the CAST target type.