Describe command Describe command Syntax DESCRIBE { table-Name | view-Name }

Provides a decription of the specified table or view. For a list of tables in the current schema, use the Show Tables command. For a list of views in the current schema, use the Show Views command. For a list of available schemas, use the Show Schemas command.

If the table or view is in a particular schema, qualify it with the schema name. If the table or view name is case-sensitive, enclose it in single quotes. You can display all the columns from all the tables and views in a single schema in a single display by using the wildcard character '*'. See the examples below.

Examples ij> describe airlines; COLUMN_NAME |TYPE_NAME|DEC&|NUM&|COLUM&|COLUMN_DEF|CHAR_OCTE&|IS_NULL& ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AIRLINE |CHAR |NULL|NULL|2 |NULL |4 |NO AIRLINE_FULL |VARCHAR |NULL|NULL|24 |NULL |48 |YES BASIC_RATE |DOUBLE |NULL|2 |52 |NULL |NULL |YES DISTANCE_DISCOUNT |DOUBLE |NULL|2 |52 |NULL |NULL |YES BUSINESS_LEVEL_FACT&|DOUBLE |NULL|2 |52 |NULL |NULL |YES FIRSTCLASS_LEVEL_FA&|DOUBLE |NULL|2 |52 |NULL |NULL |YES ECONOMY_SEATS |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |NULL |NULL |YES BUSINESS_SEATS |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |NULL |NULL |YES FIRSTCLASS_SEATS |INTEGER |0 |10 |10 |NULL |NULL |YES -- describe a table in another schema: describe; -- describe a table whose name is in mixed-case: describe 'EmployeeTable'; -- describe a table in a different schema, with a case-sensitive name: describe 'MyUser.Orders'; -- describe all the columns from all the tables and views in APP schema: describe 'APP.*'; -- describe all the columns in the current schema: describe '*';