derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthPW authentication.ldap.searchAuthPW LDAPconfiguring

Along with derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthDN, indicates how should bind with the directory server to do searches in order to retrieve a fully qualified user DN (distinguished name). This property specifies the password; derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthDN specifies the DN to use for the search.

For more information about LDAP user authentication, see "LDAP directory service" in the .


If not specified, an anonymous search is performed if it is supported.

Example -- system-wide property derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthPW=guestPassword -- database-wide property CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY( 'derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthPW', 'guestPassword')
Dynamic or static

Static. For system-wide properties, you must reboot for the change to take effect. For database-wide properties, you must reboot the database for the change to take effect.