derby.locks.waitTimeout derby.locks.waitTimeout Deadlockswait timeout property

Specifies the number of seconds after which aborts a transaction when it is waiting for a lock. When aborts (and rolls back) the transaction, the transaction receives an SQLException of SQLState 40XL1.

The time specified by this property is approximate.

A zero value for this property means that aborts a transaction any time it cannot immediately obtain a lock that it requests.

A negative value for this property is equivalent to an infinite wait time; the transaction waits forever to obtain the lock.

If this property is set to a value greater than or equal to zero but less than the value of derby.locks.deadlockTimeout, never performs any deadlock checking.


60 seconds.

Example CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY( 'derby.locks.waitTimeout', '15') derby.locks.waitTimeout=60
Dynamic or static

Dynamic; the change takes effect immediately. For information about dynamic changes to properties, see .