derby.locks.deadlockTimeout derby.locks.deadlockTimeoutDeadlockstimeout property

Determines the number of seconds after which checks whether a transaction waiting to obtain a lock is involved in a deadlock. If a deadlock has occurred, and chooses the transaction as a deadlock victim, aborts the transaction. The transaction receives an SQLException of SQLState 40001. If the transaction is not chosen as the victim, it continues to wait for a lock if derby.locks.waitTimeout is set to a higher value than the value of derby.locks.deadlockTimeout.

If this property is set to a higher value than derby.locks.waitTimeout, no deadlock checking occurs. See derby.locks.waitTimeout.

For more information about deadlock checking, see "Deadlocks" in the .


20 seconds.

Example derby.locks.deadlockTimeout=30 -- database-wide property CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY( 'derby.locks.deadlockTimeout', '30')
Dynamic or static

Dynamic; the change takes effect immediately. For information about dynamic changes to properties, see .