startMaster=true attribute startMaster=true database connection URL attributereplicating databasesstarting the masterdatabase replicationstarting the masterdatabasesattributes, starting the replication master attributesstartMaster

Starts replication of a database in master mode. Before you specify this attribute, you must boot the database on the master system, freeze it, perform a file system copy of the database to the slave system, and specify the startSlave=true attribute. For details, see the topic "Starting and running replication" under "Replicating databases" in the .

If any unlogged operations are running when the user specifies startMaster=true, the attempt to start the master fails and an error message appears. The message instructs the user to unfreeze the database to allow the operations to complete, and then to specify startMaster=true again.

For more information on replication, see the other topics under "Replicating databases" in the .

Combining with other attributes

You must specify a database name in the connection URL, either in the subprotocol or by using the databaseName=nameofDatabase attribute.

You must specify this attribute in conjunction with the slaveHost=hostname attribute. You may also specify this attribute in conjunction with the slavePort=portValue attribute. If you do not specify the slavePort=portValue attribute, the default port value is 4851.

If authentication or authorization is turned on, you must also specify this attribute in conjunction with the user=userName and password=userPassword attributes. If authorization is turned on, the user must be the database owner.

You may not specify this attribute in conjunction with any attributes not mentioned in this section.

Examples -- start master using database name in subprotocol, default slave -- port, authorization jdbc:derby:myDB;startMaster=true;slaveHost=elsewhere;user=mary; password=little88lamb -- start master using databaseName attribute, non-default slave -- port, no security jdbc:derby:;databaseName=myDB;startMaster=true;slaveHost=elsewhere; slavePort=4852