Soft upgrade limitations Soft upgrade allows you to run a newer version of against an existing database without having to fully upgrade the database. This means that you can continue to run an older version of against the database. soft upgradelimitations upgrading Derbylimitations, soft upgrade

If you perform a soft upgrade, you will not be able to perform certain functions that are not available in older versions of . For example, the following Version 10.2 features cannot be used in a database that has been soft upgraded from 10.0:

  • Creating tables using the GENERATED BY DEFAULT option for identity columns
  • Reclaiming unused space using the SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_INPLACE_COMPRESS_TABLE procedure

The following 10.2 features cannot be accessed from a database which has been soft upgraded from 10.1:

  • The encryption or re-encryption of a database with a new phrase/key.

Other new features in that do not affect database structure, such as using timestamp arithmetic, are allowed in a soft upgraded database.

To perform a soft upgrade on a database created using an earlier version of :

Simply connect to the database, as shown in the following example: connect 'jdbc:derby:sample'In this example, the sample database is a Version 10.0 database.