Rollback command Rollback command Syntax ROLLBACK

Issues a java.sql.Connection.rollback request. Use only if auto-commit is off. A java.sql.Connection.rollback request undoes the currently active transaction and initiates a new transaction.

Example ij> autocommit off; ij> INSERT INTO menu VALUES ('dessert', 'rhubarb pie', 4); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> SELECT * from menu; COURSE |ITEM |PRICE ----------------------------------------------- entree |lamb chop |14 dessert |creme brulee |7 appetizer |baby greens |7 dessert |rhubarb pie |4 4 rows selected ij> rollback; ij> SELECT * FROM menu; COURSE |ITEM |PRICE ----------------------------------------------- entree |lamb chop |14 dessert |creme brulee |7 appetizer |baby greens |7 3 rows selected ij>