GRANT statement Use the GRANT statement to give permissions to a specific user or all users to perform actions on database objects. GRANT statementSQL statementsGRANT

The following types of permissions can be granted:

  • Delete data from a specific table.
  • Insert data into a specific table.
  • Create a foreign key reference to the named table or to a subset of columns from a table.
  • Select data from a table, view, or a subset of columns in a table.
  • Create a trigger on a table.
  • Update data in a table or in a subset of columns in a table.
  • Run a specified function or procedure.

Before you issue a GRANT statement, check that the derby.database.sqlAuthorization property is set to true. The derby.database.sqlAuthorization property enables the SQL Authorization mode.

You can grant privileges to database objects that you are authorized to grant. See the CREATE statement for the database object that you want to grant privileges on for more information.

The syntax that you use for the GRANT statement depends on whether you are granting privileges to a table or to a routine.

Syntax for tablesGRANT privilege-type ON [TABLE] { | } TO grantees
Syntax for routinesGRANT EXECUTE ON { FUNCTION | PROCEDURE } routine-designator TO grantees
privilege-type { ALL PRIVILEGES | DELETE | INSERT | REFERENCES [column list] | SELECT [column list] | TRIGGER | UPDATE [column list} }

Use the DELETE privilege type to grant permission to delete rows from the specified table.

Use the INSERT privilege type to grant permission to insert rows into the specified table.

Use the REFERENCES privilege type to grant permission to create a foreign key reference to the specified table. If a column list is specified with the REFERENCES privilege, the permission is valid on only the foreign key reference to the specified columns.

Use the SELECT privilege type to grant permission to perform SELECT statements on a table or view. If a column list is specified with the SELECT privilege, the permission is valid on only those columns. If no column list is specified, then the privilege is valid on all of the columns in the table.

Use the TRIGGER privilege type to grant permission to create a trigger on the specified table.

Use the UPDATE privilege type to grant permission to use the UPDATE statement on the specified table. If a column list is specified, the permission applies only to the specified columns. To update a row using a statement that includes a WHERE clause, you must have SELECT permission on the columns in the row that you want to update.

grantees{ authorization ID | PUBLIC } [,{ authorization ID | PUBLIC } ] *

You can grant privileges for specific users or for all users. Use the keyword PUBLIC to specify all users. When PUBLIC is specified, the privileges affect all current and future users. The privileges granted to PUBLIC and to individual users are independent privileges. For example, a SELECT privilege on table t is granted to both PUBLIC and to the authorization ID harry. The SELECT privilege is later revoked from the authorization ID harry, but Harry can access the table t through the PUBLIC privilege.

routine-designator{ function-name | procedure-name }

To grant the SELECT privilege on table t to the authorization IDs maria and harry, use the following syntax:GRANT SELECT ON TABLE t TO maria,harry

To grant the UPDATE and TRIGGER privileges on table t to the authorization IDs anita and zhi, use the following syntax:GRANT UPDATE, TRIGGER ON TABLE t TO anita,zhi

To grant the SELECT privilege on table s.v to all users, use the following syntax:GRANT SELECT ON TABLE s.v to PUBLIC

To grant the EXECUTE privilege on procedure p to the authorization ID george, use the following syntax: