Describes the information specific to foreign key constraints in the current database.

generates a backing index for each foreign key constraint; the name of this index is the same as SYSFOREIGNKEYS.CONGLOMERATEID. Column Name Type Length Nullability Contents CONSTRAINTID CHAR 36 false unique identifier for the foreign key constraint (join with SYSCONSTRAINTS. CONSTRAINTID) CONGLOMERATEID CHAR 36 false unique identifier for index backing up the foreign key constraint (join with SYSCONGLOMERATES. CONGLOMERATEID) KEYCONSTRAINTID CHAR 36 false unique identifier for the primary key or unique constraint referenced by this foreign key (SYSKEYS.CONSTRAINTID or SYSCONSTRAINTS. CONSTRAINTID) DELETERULE CHAR 1 false R for NO ACTION (default), S for RESTRICT, C for CASCADE, U for SET NULL UPDATERULE CHAR 1 false R for NO ACTION(default), S for restrict