Mapping of java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob interfaces java.sql.Blob interfacejava.sql.Clob interface BLOB data typeCLOB data type

In JDBC 2.0, java.sql.Blob is the mapping for the SQL BLOB (binary large object) type; java.sql.Clob is the mapping for the SQL CLOB (character large object) type.

java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob provide a logical pointer to the large object rather than a complete copy of the objects. processes only one data page into memory at a time. The whole BLOB does not need to be processed and stored in memory just to access the first few bytes of the LOB object

now supports the built-in BLOB or CLOB data types. also provides the following support for these data types:

  • BLOB Features supports the java.sql.Blob interface and the BLOB-related methods listed in and . The getBlob methods of CallableStatement are not implemented.
  • CLOB Features supports the java.sql.Clob interface and the CLOB-related methods listed in and . The getClob methods of CallableStatement procedures are not implemented.

To use the java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob features:

  • Use the SQL BLOB type for storage; LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, BINARY, and VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA types also work.
  • Use the SQL CLOB type for storage; LONG VARCHAR, CHAR, and VARCHAR types also work.
  • Use the getBlob or getClob methods on the java.sql.ResultSet interface to retrieve a BLOB or CLOB handle to the underlying data.
  • You cannot call static methods on any LOB-columns.

In addition, casting between strings and BLOBs is not recommended because casting is platform and database dependent.

uses unicode strings (2 byte characters), while other database products may use ASCII characters (1 byte per character). If various codepages are used, each character might need several bytes. A larger BLOB type might be necessary to accommodate a normal string in . You should use CLOB types for storing strings.

Restrictions on BLOB, CLOB, (LOB-types):

  • LOB-types cannot be compared for equality(=) and non-equality(!=, <>.
  • LOB-typed values are not order-able, so <, <=, >, >= tests are not supported.
  • LOB-types cannot be used in indices or as primary key columns.
  • DISTINCT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY clauses are also prohibited on LOB-types.
  • LOB-types cannot be involved in implicit casting as other base-types.

implements all of the methods for these JDBC 2.0 interfaces except for the set and get methods in CallableStatement interface.

Recommendations: Because the lifespan of a java.sql.Blob or java.sql.Clob ends when the transaction commits, turn off auto-commit with the java.sql.Blob or java.sql.Clob features.

JDBC 2.0 java.sql.Blob Methods Supported Returns Signature Implementation Notes InputStream getBinaryStream() byte[] getBytes(long pos, int length) Exceptions are raised if pos < 1, if pos is larger than the length of the , or if length <= 0. long length() long position(byte[] pattern, long start) Exceptions are raised if pattern == null, if start < 1, or if pattern is an array of length 0. long position(Blob pattern, long start) Exceptions are raised if pattern == null, if start < 1, if pattern has length 0, or if an exception is thrown when trying to read the first byte of pattern.
JDBC 2.0 java.sql.Clob Methods Supported Returns Signature Implementation Notes InputStream getAsciiStream() Reader getCharacterStream() String getSubString(long pos, int length) Exceptions are raised if pos < 1, if pos is larger than the length of the Clob, or if length <= 0. long length() long position(Clob searchstr, long start) Exceptions are raised if searchStr == null or start < 1, if searchStr has length 0, or if an exception is thrown when trying to read the first char of searchStr. long position(String searchstr, long start) Exceptions are raised if searchStr == null or start < 1, or if the pattern is an empty string.