Turning on the trace facility Turn on tracing for all sessions by specifying the following property: derby.drda.traceAll=true Alternatively, while the Network Server is running, you can use the following command to turn on the trace facility:java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl trace on [-s <connection number>] [-h <hostname>][-p <portnumber>] If you specify a <connection number>, tracing will be turned on only for that connection. Set the location of the tracing files by specifying the following property:derby.drda.traceDirectory=<directory for tracing files> You need to specify only the directory where the tracing files will reside. The names of the tracing files are determined by the system. If you do not set a trace directory, the tracing files will be placed in derby.system.home. While the Network Server is running, enter the following command to set the trace directory:java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl traceDirectory <directory for tracing files>[-h <hostname>] [-p <portnumber>]