Think about join order For some queries, join order can make the difference between a table scan (expensive) and an index scan (cheap). Join orderperformance implications of

Here's an example:

select ht.hotel_id, ha.stay_date, ht.depart_time from hotels ht, Hotelavailability ha where ht.hotel_id = ha.hotel_id and ht.room_number = ha.room_number and ht.bed_type = 'KING' and ht.smoking_room = 'NO' order by ha.stay_date

If chooses Hotels as the outer table, it can use the index on Hotels to retrieve qualifying rows. Then it need only look up data in HotelAvailability three times, once for each qualifying row. And to retrieve the appropriate rows from HotelAvailability, it can use an index for HotelAvailability's hotel_id column instead of scanning the entire table.

If chooses the other order, with HotelAvailability as the outer table, it will have to probe the Hotels table for every row, not just three rows, because there are no qualifications on the HotelAvailability table.

For more information about join order, see .

usually chooses a good join order. However, as with index use, you should make sure. Analyze the way is executing your application's queries. See for information on how to do this.