derby.language.sequence.preallocator The derby.language.sequence.preallocator property specifies how many values to preallocate for sequences. derby.language.sequence.preallocator property Sequence preallocation Identity preallocation

If the database is shut down in an orderly fashion, will not leak unused preallocated values. Instead, any unused values will be thrown away, and the sequence generator will continue where it left off once the database reboots. However, if the database exits unexpectedly, the sequence generator will skip the unused preallocated values when the database comes up again. This will leave a gap between the last NEXT VALUE FOR (issued before the database exited unexpectedly) and the next NEXT VALUE FOR (issued after the database reboots).

Syntax derby.language.sequence.preallocator=number



If set to a positive number, that is the number of values which preallocates for each sequence. A higher value may improve the concurrency of sequences.

If set to a class name, that class must implement org.apache.derby.catalog.SequencePreallocator. The class customizes the size of the preallocation range for each sequence. For more information, see the public API documentation for org.apache.derby.catalog.SequencePreallocator.



By default, preallocates 100 values for each sequence.

Example derby.language.sequence.preallocator=125

system-wide, database-wide

Dynamic or static

This property is semi-static; changing it while is running will not affect sequences which are already being used. However, the new value will be picked up by sequences which weren't being used before the value was changed. In addition, DDL causes the old value to be forgotten. After performing DDL, the new value will be picked up by all sequences.