java.sql.Statement interface does not implement the setEscapeProcessing method of java.sql.Statement. In addition, the cancel method raises a "Feature not supported" exception. java.sql.Statement interface

The following table describes features of Statement methods that are specific to .

Implementation notes on <i>Statement</i> methodsThis table describes the implementation-specific features of Statement methods, providing the return type and signature for each method. Returns Signature Implementation Notes ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() If the user has indicated that auto-generated keys should be made available, this method returns the same results as a call to the IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL function. Otherwise this method returns null. boolean execute(String sql, int [] columnIndexes) Every column index in the array must correlate to an auto-increment column within the target table of the INSERT. boolean execute(String sql, String [] columnNames) Every column name in the array must designate an auto-increment column within the target table of the INSERT. int executeUpdate(String sql, int [] columnIndexes) Every column index in the array must correlate to an auto-increment column within the target table of the INSERT. int executeUpdate(String sql, String [] columnNames) Every column name in the array must designate an auto-increment column within the target table of the INSERT.