ResultSets and streaming columns If the underlying object is itself an OutputStream class, getBinaryStream returns the object directly. getXXXStream requests Streaming columnsretrieving from ResultSets using getXXXStream methods getAsciiStream getCharacterStream getBinaryStream

To get a field from the ResultSet using streaming columns, you can use the getXXXStream methods if the type supports it. See for a list of types that support the various streams. (See also .)

You can retrieve data from one of the supported data type columns as a stream, whether or not it was stored as a stream.

The following code fragment shows how a user can retrieve a LONG VARCHAR column as a stream: // retrieve data as a stream ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT b FROM atable"); while ( { // use a to get the data ip = rs.getCharacterStream(1); // process the stream--this is just a generic way to // print the data char[] buff = new char[128]; int size; while ((size = != -1) { String chunk = new String(buff, 0, size); System.out.print(chunk); } } rs.close(); s.close(); conn.commit();