Troubleshooting JMX connection issues If you experience problems connecting remotely to an MBean server using JMX, it may be helpful to obtain some tracing information. Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology JMXusing a security policy

For details on connecting remotely to an MBean server, see and .

The JMX implementation in the Oracle JDK uses the java.util.logging API to log JMX traces. For example, in order to trace SSL connection issues, set the system property java.util.logging.config.file as shown in the following:

java MyJmxClient

With JConsole, a separate logging window will appear if you specify the following option when you start JConsole (see ), as long as the file is found:

The file should specify log handlers and logging levels, as in the following example:

handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler .level = INFO java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level=FINEST java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter=java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter // Level FINEST is suitable for diagnosing SSL-related JMX remote // connection issues.

The blog entry provides additional hints and tips.