SYSROUTINEPERMS system table The SYSROUTINEPERMS table stores the permissions that have been granted to routines. system tablesSYSROUTINEPERMS permissionsSYSROUTINEPERMS system table routine permissionsSYSROUTINEPERMS system table SYSROUTINEPERMS system table

Each routine EXECUTE permission is specified in a row in the SYSROUTINEPERMS table. The keys for the SYSROUTINEPERMS table are:

  • Unique key (ROUTINEPERMSID)
  • Foreign key (ALIASID references SYS.SYSALIASES)

The following table shows the contents of the SYSROUTINEPERMS system table.

SYSROUTINEPERMS system table Column Name Type Length Nullable Contents ROUTINEPERMSID CHAR 36 false Used by the dependency manager to track the dependency of a view, trigger, or constraint on the routine level permissions GRANTEE VARCHAR 128 false The authorization ID of the user or role to which the privilege is granted GRANTOR VARCHAR 128 false The authorization ID of the user who granted the privilege. Privileges can be granted only by the object owner. ALIASID CHAR 36 false The ID of the object of the required permission. If PERMTYPE='E', the ALIASID is a reference to the SYS.SYSALIASES table. Otherwise, the ALIASID is a reference to the SYS.SYSTABLES table. GRANTOPTION CHAR 1 false Specifies if the GRANTEE is the owner of the routine. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'.