SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE system procedure The SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE system procedure exports all of the data from a table to an operating system file. system proceduresSYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLEsystem procedures

For security concerns, and to avoid accidental file damage, this EXPORT procedure does not export data into an existing file. You must specify a filename in the EXPORT procedure that does not exist. When you run the procedure the file is created and the data is exported into the new file.

The data is exported using a delimited file format.


No result is returned from the procedure.

An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the schema name of the table. Passing a NULL value will use the default schema name.
An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the name of the table/view from which the data is to be exported. Passing a null will result in an error.
Specifies the name of a new file to which the data is to be exported. If the path is omitted, the current working directory is used. If the name of a file that already exists is specified, the export procedure returns an error. The specified location of the file should refer to the server-side location if you are using the Network Server. Specifying a NULL value results in an error. The FILENAME parameter takes an input argument that is a VARCHAR (32672) data type.
An input argument of type CHAR(1) that specifies a column delimiter. The specified character is used in place of a comma to signal the end of a column. Passing a NULL value will use the default value; the default value is a comma (,).
An input argument of type CHAR(1) that specifies a character delimiter. The specified character is used in place of double quotation marks to enclose a character string. Passing a NULL value will use the default value; the default value is a double quotation mark (").
An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the code set of the data in the exported file. The name of the code set should be one of the Java-supported character encodings. Data is converted from the database code set to the specified code set before writing to the file. Passing a NULL value will write the data in the same code set as the JVM in which it is being executed.
If you create a schema or table name as a non-delimited identifier, you must pass the name to the export procedure using all uppercase characters. If you created a schema, table, or column name as a delimited identifier, you must pass the name to the export procedure using the same case that was used when it was created.
Execute privileges

If authentication and SQL authorization are both enabled, only the database owner has execute privileges on this procedure by default. See "Enabling user authentication" and "Setting the SQL standard authorization mode" in the for more information. The database owner can grant access to other users. The user must also have SELECT privileges on the table.


For additional information on using this procedure, see the section "Importing and exporting data" in the .


The following example shows how to export information from the STAFF table in a SAMPLE database to the myfile.del file.

CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE (null, 'STAFF', 'myfile.del', null, null, null);