Limitations for database values limitationsdatabase values databaselimitations

The following table lists limitations on various database values in .

Database limitations Value Limit Maximum columns in a table 1,012 Maximum columns in a view 5,000 Maximum number of parameters in a stored procedure 90 Maximum indexes on a table 32,767 or storage capacity Maximum tables referenced in an SQL statement or a view Storage capacity Maximum elements in a select list 1,012 Maximum predicates in a WHERE or HAVING clause Storage capacity Maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY clause 32,677 Maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY clause 1,012 Maximum number of prepared statements Storage capacity Maximum declared cursors in a program Storage capacity Maximum number of cursors opened at one time Storage capacity Maximum number of constraints on a table Storage capacity Maximum level of subquery nesting Storage capacity Maximum number of subqueries in a single statement Storage capacity Maximum number of rows changed in a unit of work Storage capacity Maximum constants in a statement Storage capacity Maximum depth of cascaded triggers 16