encryptionKeyLength=length attribute encryptionKeyLength=length attribute encrypting databasesencryption key length databasesattributes, encryption key length attributesencryptionKeyLength

Specifies the number of bits in the encryption key to be generated when a database is encrypted with the bootPassword=key attribute.

The default encryption key length is 128.

You need to specify encryptionKeyLength=length only if all of the following circumstances apply:

  • You are specifying a non-default encryption algorithm (the default is DES).
  • The encryption algorithm you are specifying allows for more than one key length.
  • You want to use a non-default key length.

For information about data encryption, see "Encrypting databases on disk" in the .

Combining with other attributes

The encryptionKeyLength=length attribute can be combined with either the bootPassword=key attribute or the encryptionKey=key attribute (although it is redundant if you use encryptionKey=key).

The encryptionKeyLength=length attribute may also be combined with the encryptionProvider=providerName and/or encryptionAlgorithm=algorithm attributes.

If you use encryptionKeyLength=length with encryptionKey=key, the key you specify must have the length you specify.

Examples -- create a new, encrypted database jdbc:derby:newDB;create=true;dataEncryption=true; encryptionKeyLength=192;encryptionAlgorithm=AES/CBC/NoPadding; bootPassword=Thursday -- configure an existing unencrypted database for encryption jdbc:derby:myDB;dataEncryption=true; encryptionKeyLength=168;encryptionAlgorithm=DESede/CBC/NoPadding; bootPassword=Wednesday If the specified algorithm does not support the specified encryption key length, returns an exception.