SQL syntax SQL syntax is presented in modified BNF notation.

The meta-symbols of BNF are listed in the following table.

BNF meta-symbols Symbol Meaning | Or. Choose one of the items. [ ] Enclose optional items. * Flags items that you can repeat 0 or more times. Has a special meaning in some SQL statements. { } Groups items so that they can be marked with one of the symbols [ ], |, or *. ( ) . , Other punctuation that is part of the syntax.

The following example shows how SQL syntax is presented: CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX IndexName ON TableName ( SimpleColumnName [ , SimpleColumnName ] * )

Command-line syntax for running Java programs and utilities (as well as examples) always begins with the command java: java org.apache.derby.tools.ij

This documentation attempts to be JVM neutral, but any command line examples or syntax using JVM specific references should be verified with your JVM documentation.