SYSPERMS system table The SYSPERMS system table describes the USAGE permissions for sequence generators and user-defined types. system tablesSYSPERMS sequence generatorsSYSPERMS system table user-defined typesSYSPERMS system table SYSPERMS system table
Column Name Type Length Nullability Contents PERMISSIONID CHAR 36 False The unique id of the permission. This is the primary key. OBJECTTYPE VARCHAR 36 False The kind of object receiving the permission. The only valid values are 'SEQUENCE' and 'TYPE'. OBJECTID CHAR 36 False The UUID of the object receiving the permission. For sequence generators, the only valid values are SEQUENCEIDs in the SYS.SYSSEQUENCES table. For user-defined types, the only valid values are ALIASIDs in the SYS.SYSALIASES table if the SYSALIASES row describes a user-defined type. PERMISSION CHAR 36 False The type of the permission. The only valid value is 'USAGE'. GRANTOR VARCHAR 128 False The authorization ID of the user who granted the privilege. Privileges can be granted only by the object owner. GRANTEE VARCHAR 128 False The authorization ID of the user or role to which the privilege was granted. ISGRANTABLE CHAR 1 False If the GRANTEE is the owner of the sequence generator or user-defined type, this value is 'Y'. If the GRANTEE is not the owner of the sequence generator or user-defined type, this value is 'N'.