Creating a Derby database and running SQL statements Now, you will use the  ij tool to load the database engine. You will use the embedded driver to create and connect to the firstdb database. You will also use a few basic SQL statements to create and populate a table. Connection URLembedded drivercreate=true ijDatabasecreatingconnecting toDerbylogfile, message and errorSQLcreate tableinsertselect Run the  ij tool. If you included the DERBY_HOME/bin directory in your PATH environment variable, type: ij Otherwise, you can use the java command to start the ij tool. Operating System Command UNIX (Korn Shell) java -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar ij ij version 10.5 Windows java -jar %DERBY_HOME%\lib\derbyrun.jar ij ij version 10.5 Create the database and open a connection to the database using the embedded driver.CONNECT 'jdbc:derby:firstdb;create=true';
Description of connection command:
The ij command to establish a connection to a database. The connection URL is enclosed in single quotation marks. An ij command can be in either uppercase or lowercase.
The JDBC protocol specification for the driver.
The name of the database. The name can be any string. Because no filepath is specified, the database is created in the default working directory (DERBYTUTOR).
The  URL attribute that is used to create a database. does not have an SQL create database command.
The semicolon is the ij command terminator.
Create a table with two columns using standard SQL.CREATE TABLE FIRSTTABLE (ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR(12)); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Insert three records.INSERT INTO FIRSTTABLE VALUES (10,'TEN'),(20,'TWENTY'),(30,'THIRTY'); 3 rows inserted/updated/deleted Perform a simple select of all records in the table.SELECT * FROM FIRSTTABLE; ID |NAME ------------------------ 10 |TEN 20 |TWENTY 30 |THIRTY 3 rows selected Perform a qualified select of the record with column ID=20. SELECT * FROM FIRSTTABLE WHERE ID=20; ID |NAME ------------------------ 20 |TWENTY 1 row selected Optional: Create and populate additional tables and other schema objects. Load the SQL script ToursDB_schema.sql. run 'ToursDB_schema.sql'; ij> ... CREATE TABLE AIRLINES ( AIRLINE CHAR(2) NOT NULL , AIRLINE_FULL VARCHAR(24), BASIC_RATE DOUBLE PRECISION, ... 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ... Other output messages not shown ... Populate the tables with data by running the script loadTables.sql. run 'loadTables.sql'; ij> run 'loadCOUNTRIES.sql'; ij> insert into COUNTRIES values ( 'Afghanistan','AF','Asia'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into COUNTRIES values ( 'Albania','AL','Europe'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ... Other output messages not shown ... Exit the ij tool.exit; You should be returned to the DERBYTUTOR directory. Browse the most important files created by this activity:
  • The derby.log file. This file is a message and error log that, under normal circumstances, contains a set of startup messages and a shutdown message. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2009-05-08 16:55:29.736 GMT: Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby - - (764942): instance a816c00e-0121-2126-a56a-000000418588 on database directory C:\DERBYTUTOR\firstdb Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath='' 2009-05-08 16:56:37.367 GMT: Shutting down instance a816c00e-0121-2126-a56a-000000418588 ----------------------------------------------------------------
  • The firstdb database directory. Within the directory are the subdirectories seg0 (containing the data files) and log (containing the transaction log files).