List of user authentication properties This table summarizes the various properties related to user authentication. user authenticationproperties, list of User authentication properties Property Name Use derby.connection.requireAuthentication Turns on user authentication. derby.authentication.provider Specifies the kind of user authentication to use. derby.authentication.server For LDAP user authentication, specifies the location of the server. derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthDN, derby.authentication.ldap.searchAuthPW, derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter, and derby.authentication.ldap.searchBase Configures the way that DN searches are performed. derby.user.UserName Creates a user name and password for the built-in user repository in . java.naming.* JNDI properties. See Appendix A in the JNDI API reference for more information about these properties.

's built-in authentication mechanism is suitable only for development and testing purposes. It is strongly recommended that production systems rely on LDAP or a user-defined class for authentication. It is also strongly recommended that production systems protect network connections with SSL/TLS.