
Use the sysinfo utility to display information about your Java environment and (including version information). To use sysinfo, do one of the following:

  • If you are relatively new to the Java programming language, follow the instructions in "Setting up your environment" in to set the and JAVA_HOME environment variables and to add /bin to your path. Then use the following command: sysinfo
  • If you are a regular Java user but are new to Derby, set the environment variable, then use a java command to invoke the derbyrun.jar file: (UNIX) java [options] -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar sysinfo (Windows) java [options] -jar %DERBY_HOME%\lib\derbyrun.jar sysinfo
  • If you are familiar with both the Java programming language and Derby, you have already set . Set your classpath to include the jar files. Then use a java command to invoke the sysinfo class directly. java