Network client driver examples

The following examples specify the user and password URL attributes. To enable user authentication, the property derby.connection.requireAuthentication must be set to true, otherwise, does not require a user name and password. For a multi-user product, you would typically set it for the system in the file for your server, since it is in a trusted environment. Below is a sample file that conforms to these examples: derby.connection.requireAuthentication=true derby.authentication.provider=BUILTIN derby.user.judy=no12see

's BUILTIN authentication mechanism is suitable only for development and testing purposes. It is strongly recommended that production systems rely on LDAP or a user-defined class for authentication. It is also strongly recommended that production systems protect network connections with SSL/TLS.
Example 1

The following example connects to the default server name localhost on the default port, 1527, and to the database sample.

Example 2

The following example specifies both and Network Client driver attributes: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/sample;create=true;user=judy; password=no12see

Example 3

This example connects to the default server name localhost on the default port, 1527, and includes the path in the database name portion of the URL.

jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/c:/my-db-dir/my-db-name;user=judy; password=no12see
Example 4

The following example shows how to use the network client driver to connect the network client to the Network Server:

String databaseURL = "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/sample"; // // Load Derby Network Client driver class // If you are running on JDK 1.6 or higher, then you do not // need to invoke Class.forName(). In that environment, the // network client driver loads automatically. // Class.forName("org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"); // Set user and password properties Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put("user", "judy"); properties.put("password", "no12see"); // Get a connection Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL, properties);