Creating the database and running SQL Connection URLembedded drivercreate=true ijDatabasecreatingconnecting toDerbylogfile, message and errorSQLcreate tableinsertselect Run the Derby ij tool.
On Windows platforms:
java -jar %DERBY_HOME%\lib\derbyrun.jar ij ij version
On UNIX Korn Shell platforms:
java -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar ij ij version
Create the database and open a connection to it using the embedded driver.CONNECT 'jdbc:derby:firstdb;create=true'; Create a table with two columns using standard SQL.CREATE TABLE FIRSTTABLE (ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR(12)); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted Insert three records.INSERT INTO FIRSTTABLE VALUES (10,'TEN'),(20,'TWENTY'),(30,'THIRTY'); 3 rows inserted/updated/deleted Perform a simple select of all records in the table.SELECT * FROM FIRSTTABLE; ID |NAME ------------------------ 10 |TEN 20 |TWENTY 30 |THIRTY 3 rows selected Preform a qualified select of the record with column ID=20. SELECT * FROM FIRSTTABLE WHERE ID=20; ID |NAME ------------------------ 20 |TWENTY 1 row selected Load the SQL script ToursDB_schema.sql to create the tables and other schema objects (this step is optional). run 'ToursDB_schema.sql'; ij> CREATE TABLE AIRLINES ( AIRLINE CHAR(2) NOT NULL , AIRLINE_FULL VARCHAR(24), BASIC_RATE DOUBLE PRECISION, . . . 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted . . . ===> Other output messages not shown <===== Populate the tables with data by running the script loadTables.sql run 'loadTables.sql'; ij> run 'loadCOUNTRIES.sql'; ij> insert into COUNTRIES values ( 'Afghanistan','AF','Asia'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into COUNTRIES values ( 'Albania','AL','Europe'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted . . . ===> Other output messages not shown <===== Exit the ij tool.exit; Browse the key files created by the activity.
  • The derby.log message and error log file. Under normal circumstances it will contain a set of startup messages and a shutdown message.---------------------------------------------------------------- 2006-09-21 23:33:37.564 GMT: Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby - .1.6 - (452058): instance c013800d-0109-7f82-e11f-000000119a68 on database directory C:\DERBYDBS\FIRSTDB Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath='' 2006-09-21 23:44:13.178 GMT: Shutting down instance c013800d-0109-7f82-e11f-000000119a68 ----------------------------------------------------------------
  • The firstdb database directory. Within the directory are the subdirectories seg0 (containing the data files) and log (containing the transaction log files).
Description of connection command: connect 'jdbc:derby:firstdb;create=true';
connect - the ij command to establish a connection to a database
The Derby connection URL enclosed in single quotes:
  • jdbc:derby: - JDBC protocol specification for the Derby driver.
  • firstdb - the name of the database, this can be any string. Because no filepath is specified the database will be created in the default working directory (DERBYDBS).
  • ;create=true - The Derby URL attribute used to create databases. Derby does not have an SQL create database command.
; (semicolon) - the ij command terminator.