ij.URLCheck Attributes to database connection URLvalidating in ijURL attributesverifying in ijij.URLCheck

This property determines whether ij checks for invalid or non- URL attributes. Set this property to false to prevent ij from validating URL attributes. The default value is true.

When the ij.URLCheck property is set to true, you are notified whenever a connection URL contains an incorrectly specified attribute. For example if the attribute name is misspelled or cased incorrectly ij prints a message. ij checks attribute values if the attribute has pre-defined values. For example, the attribute unicode has the pre-defined values of true or false. If you try to set the attribute unicode to a value other than true or false, ij displays an error. For example: ij> Connect 'jdbc:derby:anyDB;create=true;unicode=falj'; ERROR XJ05B: JDBC attribute 'unicode' has an invalid value 'falj', valid values are '{true|false}'. ij>

Syntax ij.URLCheck={ false | true } Example

By default, ij displays messages about invalid attributes: java org.apache.derby.tools.ij ij version ij> connect 'mydb;uSer=naomi'; URL Attribute [uSer=naomi] Case of the attribute is incorrect.

The following command line specifies to turn off URL attribute checking in ij. java -Dij.URLCheck=false org.apache.derby.tools.ij ij version ij> connect 'mydb;uSer=naomi'; ij>

Typically, you would only explicitly turn off the URL checker if you were using ij with a non- JDBC driver or database.


URLCheck does not check the validity of properties, only database connection URL attributes.

ij recognizes the following attributes:

  • bootPassword
  • create
  • databaseName
  • dataEncryption
  • encryptionAlgorithm
  • encryptionProvider
  • territory
  • logDevice
  • password
  • shutdown
  • unicode
  • upgrade
  • user