CREATE TABLE statement CREATE TABLE statementSQL statementsCREATE TABLEtablescreating

A CREATE TABLE statement creates a table. Tables contain columns and constraints, rules to which data must conform. Table-level constraints specify a column or columns. Columns have a data type and can specify column constraints (column-level constraints).

The table owner and the database owner automatically gain the following privileges on the table and are able to grant these privileges to other users:

These privileges cannot be revoked from the table and database owners.

For information about constraints, see .

You can specify a default value for a column. A default value is the value to be inserted into a column if no other value is specified. If not explicitly specified, the default value of a column is NULL. See .

You can specify storage properties such as page size for a table by calling the SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY system procedure.

If a qualified table name is specified, the schema name cannot begin with SYS.

SyntaxCREATE TABLE table-Name ( {column-definition | Table-level constraint} [ , {column-definition | Table-level constraint} ] * ) ExampleCREATE TABLE HOTELAVAILABILITY (HOTEL_ID INT NOT NULL, BOOKING_DATE DATE NOT NULL, ROOMS_TAKEN INT DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (HOTEL_ID, BOOKING_DATE)); -- the table-level primary key definition allows you to -- include two columns in the primary key definition PRIMARY KEY (hotel_id, booking_date)) -- assign an identity column attribute to an INTEGER -- column, and also define a primary key constraint -- on the column CREATE TABLE PEOPLE (PERSON_ID INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY CONSTRAINT PEOPLE_PK PRIMARY KEY, PERSON VARCHAR(26)); -- assign an identity column attribute to a SMALLINT -- column with an initial value of 5 and an increment value -- of 5. CREATE TABLE GROUPS (GROUP_ID SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 5, INCREMENT BY 5), ADDRESS VARCHAR(100), PHONE VARCHAR(15));For more examples of CREATE TABLE statements using the various constraints, see .