SYSCOLPERMS The SYSCOLPERMS table stores the column permissions that have been granted but not revoked.

All of the permissions for one (GRANTEE, TABLEID, TYPE, GRANTOR) combination are specified in a single row in the SYSCOLPERMS table. The keys for the SYSCOLPERMS table are:

  • Unique key (COLPERMSID)
  • Foreign key (TABLEID references SYS.SYSTABLES)

Column Name Type Length Nullability Contents COLPERMSID CHAR 36 false Used by the dependency manager to track the dependency of a view, trigger, or constraint on the column level permissions. GRANTEE VARCHAR 30 false The authorization ID of the user to whom the privilege was granted. GRANTOR VARCHAR 30 false The authorization ID of the user who granted the privilege. Privileges can be granted only by the object owner. TABLEID CHAR 36 false The unique identifier for the table on which the permissions have been granted. TYPE CHAR 1 false The type of column permission: S for SELECT U for UPDATE R for REFERENCES COLUMNS false A list of columns to which the privilege applies.

This class is not part of the public API.