Describes the database's triggers. Column Name Type Length Nullability Contents TRIGGERID CHAR 36 false unique identifier for the trigger TRIGGERNAME VARCHAR 128 false name of the trigger SCHEMAID CHAR 36 false id of the trigger's schema (join with SYSSCHEMAS. SCHEMAID) CREATIONTIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP false time the trigger was created EVENT CHAR 1 false 'U' for update, 'D' for delete, 'I' for insert FIRINGTIME CHAR 1 false 'B' for before 'A' for after TYPE CHAR 1 false 'R' for row, 'S' for statement STATE CHAR 1 false 'E' for enabled, 'D' for disabled TABLEID CHAR 36 false id of the table on which the trigger is defined WHENSTMTID CHAR 36 true used only if there is a WHEN clause (not yet supported) ACTIONSTMTID CHAR 36 true id of the stored prepared statement for the triggered-SQL-statement (join with SYSSTATEMENTS. STMTID) REFERENCEDCOLUMNS org.apache.derby.catalog. ReferencedColumns: This class is not part of the public API. true descriptor of the columns referenced by UPDATE triggers TRIGGERDEFINITION LONG VARCHAR true text of the action SQL statement REFERENCINGOLD BOOLEAN true whether or not the OLDREFERENCINGNAME, if non-null, refers to the OLD row or table REFERENCINGNEW BOOLEAN true whether or not the NEWREFERENCINGNAME, if non-null, refers to the NEW row or table OLDREFERENCINGNAME VARCHAR 128 true pseudoname as set using the REFERENCING OLD AS clause NEWREFERENCINGNAME VARCHAR 128 true pseudoname as set using the REFERENCING NEW AS clause

Any SQL text that is part of a triggered-SQL-statement is compiled and stored in SYSSTATEMENTS. ACTIONSTMTID and WHENSTMTID are foreign keys that reference SYSSTATEMENTS.STMTID. The statements for a trigger are always in the same schema as the trigger.