SECOND The SECOND function returns the seconds part of a value. functionsSECONDSECOND function

The argument must be a time, timestamp, or a valid character string representation of a time or timestamp that is not a CLOB, LONG VARCHAR, or XML value. The result of the function is a large integer. If the argument can be null, the result can be null. If the argument is null, the result is 0.

The other rules depend on the data type of the argument specified:

  • If the argument is a date, timestamp, or valid string representation of a date or timestamp: The result is the seconds part of the value, which is an integer between 0 and 59.
  • If the argument is a time duration or timestamp duration: The result is the seconds part of the value, which is an integer between -99 and 99. A nonzero result has the same sign as the argument.

SyntaxSECOND ( expression ) Example

The column RECEIVED (timestamp) has an internal value equivalent to 2005-12-25- To determine return only the seconds part of the timestamp, use the following syntax:SECOND(RECEIVED)The value 30 is returned.