java.sql.ResultSet JDBC 2.0 ResultSet Methods Supported Returns Signature Implementation Notes boolean absolute(int row) void afterLast() void beforeFirst() void beforeFirst() void deleteRow() After the row is deleted, the ResultSet object will be positioned before the next row. Before issuing any methods other than close on the ResultSet object, the program will need to reposition the ResultSet object. boolean first() Blob getBlob(int columnIndex) See Blob getBlob(String column-Name) Clob getClob(int columnIndex) Clob getClob(String column-Name) int getConcurrency()

If the Statement object has CONCUR_READ_ONLY concurrency, then this method will return ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY. But if the Statement object has CONCUR_UPDATABLE concurrency, then the return value will depend on whether the underlying language ResultSet is updatable or not. If the language ResultSet is updatable, then getConcurrency() will return ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE. If the language ResultSet is not updatable, then getConcurrency() will return ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY.

int getFetchDirection() int getFetchSize() Always returns 1. int getRow() void insertRow() boolean isAfterLast() boolean isBeforeFirst boolean isFirst() boolean isLast() boolean last() void moveToCurrentRow() void moveToInsertRow() boolean previous() boolean rowDeleted() For forward-only result sets this methods always returns false, for scrollable result sets it returns true if the row has been deleted. boolean rowInserted() Always returns false boolean rowUpdated() For forward-only result sets this methods always returns false, for scrollable result sets it returns true if the row has been updated. boolean relative(int rows) void setFetchDirection(int direction) void setFetchSize(int rows) A fetch size of 1 is the only size supported. void updateRow() After the row is updated, the ResultSet object will be positioned before the next row. Before issuing any methods other than close on the ResultSet object, the program will need to reposition the ResultSet object.