java.sql.DatabaseMetaData Capability reports Column metadata Function metadata Procedure metadata Schema metadata

implements all of the new metadata methods added by JDBC 4.0.

  • Capability reports - JDBC 4.0 adds new methods for querying the capabilities of a database. These include autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets, providesQueryObjectGenerator, getClientInfoProperties, and supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax.
  • Column metadata - The getColumns method reports IS_AUTOINCREMENT = YES if a column is generated.
  • Function metadata - JDBC 4.0 adds new methods for inspecting the arguments and return types of functions, including user-defined functions. These new methods are getFunctions and getFunctionColumns. These methods behave similarly to getProcedures and getProcedureColumns.
  • Procedure metadata - The getProcedureColumns method reports additional information about procedure arguments. For more information, see the javadoc for this method. The new columns in the ResultSet returned by getProcedureColumns are: COLUMN_DEF, SQL_DATA_TYPE, SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH, ORDINAL_POSITION, IS_NULLABLE, and SPECIFIC_NAME.
  • Schema metadata - JDBC 4.0 adds a new getSchemas overload, which lets you look up schemas based on a name pattern.