territory=ll_CC territory=ll_CC (database connection URL attribute) Databasesterritoryterritorydatabase Internationalization featuresterritory

When creating or upgrading a database, use this attribute to associate a non-default territory with the database. Setting the territory attribute overrides the default system territory for that database. The default system territory is found using java.util.Locale.getDefault().

Specify a territory in the form ll_CC, where ll is the two letter language code, and CC is the two letter country code.

Language codes consist of a pair of lower case letters that conform to ISO-639. Sample Language Codes Language Code Description de German en English es Spanish ja Japanese

To see a full list of ISO-639 codes, go to http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt.

Country codes consist of two uppercase letters that conform to ISO-3166. Sample Country Codes Country Code Description DE Germany US United States ES Spain MX Mexico JP Japan

A copy of ISO-3166 can be found at http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html.

Combining with other attributes

The territory attribute is used only when creating a database.

In the following example, the new database has a territory of Spanish language and Mexican nationality.
