dataEncryption=true dataEncryption=trueencrypting databasesdata encryptiondatabasesattributes, data encryptionattributesdataEncryption

Specifies data encryption on disk for a new database or to configure an existing unencrypted database for encryption. For information about data encryption, see "Encrypting Databases on Disk" in the .

Combining with other attributes

The dataEncryption attribute must be combined with the attribute or the attribute. You have the option of also specifying the and attributes.

Examples -- encrypt a new database jdbc:derby:encryptedDB;create=true;dataEncryption=true; bootPassword=cLo4u922sc23aPe -- configure an existing unencrypted database for encryption jdbc:derby:salesdb;dataEncryption=true;bootPassword=cLo4u922sc23aPe